Health,  Nutrition,  Weight Management

3 Kitchen staples that help boost metabolism

Cayenne pepper, garlic, and cinnamon are the “heroes” that can actually help reduce and maintain weight, by boosting one’s metabolism.

Cayenne Pepper

Spicy foods have a natural chemical that cause your body to burn more energy. By making the temperature rise with the heat, the body burns more calories while it works to cool down.  However, keep in mind that as the body becomes accustomed to the heat, even more heat will be required to produce this cool-down effect.

Add cayenne to soups or stews in small amounts, to start.  Just a pinch of cayenne pepper has been shown to increase one’s metabolism by up to 25% for three hours after eat it’s been eaten, also helping to curb hunger.  It really doesn’t take a lot to get the metabolism going and the pounds to melt off.


Garlic increases the number of calories that are burned and decreases the production of fat.  This helps to regulate cholesterol. Garlic also works similarly to pepper, when it comes to speeding up the metabolism, in that the body has to work that much harder to cool down after it’s been eaten.

So, mince up some garlic and add it to sauces.  Or put in some melted butter to spread on bread or in mashed potatoes.  The sooner it’s done, the sooner the process of burning calories faster will begin.


Elevated blood sugar, a growing problem, can contribute to the storage of fat.  Cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar, making it easier to maintain or lose weight. And because it takes extra energy to metabolize cinnamon, this allows for a boost in metabolism, making it easier to burn calories and lose weight.

Cinnamon is also known to be an appetite suppressor, slowing down the process of moving food through the stomach which, in turn, extends the full feeling longer.  Sprinkle it over oatmeal, yogurt, in tea, coffee, juice, or even a protein shake.

The incorporation of these spices will awaken, and not disappoint, the taste buds.


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