Exercise,  Nutrition,  Supplementation,  Wellness

Men’s health: Starting with the brain

Are you, like so many others, finding yourself getting a little lax in the memory department? If so, this is likely linked to the natural path of aging. The fact of the matter is that as we age, our brain capacity decreases due to the natural death of brain cells. However, exercise and fitness have been shown to help alleviate and, at times, even reverse the effects of cognitive decline.

The two mechanisms behind the brain boost:

  • Improvement of blood flow to the brain: Reduced blood flow can lead to starvation/ poor perfusion of the cells in the brain, causing “hypoxia” known as oxygen starvation. In the process, essential nutrients are not readily available. Exercise improves blood flow throughout the entire body, as demonstrated by thermal scans of the brain before and after exercise. The result? Improved brain activity and neuronal connections.
  • Creation of new cells: Research demonstrates that intense exercise sessions, especially cardiovascular exercise, stimulates the growth of new brain cells. That said, it is entirely possible to retain mental capacities well into old age.

The Rich Man’s Curse

Would you be surprised that the majority of diseases and illnesses that occur in the developed world are primarily from lifestyle choices? They’re regarded as a direct result of the “rich man’s” curse, due to the fact that excess and overindulgence, as well as the neglect of essential nutrients and exercise, are thought to be the culprits of the manifested outcomes.

What’s the Solution?

A well thought out fitness plan with a sensible and healthy diet will make a positive impact in turning the tide. While it’s a fact that exercise alone will yield significant results, nutritional intake must also become an integral part of your lifestyle if the avoidance of disease is a concern.

Evidence of the correlation between exercise and cognitive benefit proves to be overwhelming. One’s general fitness is a mandatory pre-requisite for combatting the following concerns and more:

  • Heart disease, including stroke, and heart failure
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Various types of cancer
  • Osteoporosis

Development and maintenance of a healthy diet and intense exercise program will prove most beneficial for the brain and entire body.

What’s to follow in this series?

Brain health is supported by strength training.

Benefits of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training).

Essential components of a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Dealing with signs of depression.

Critical yearly appointments for men.




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A Christian Life Coach, dedicated to supporting women, with a strong emphasis on our total wellness.