Encouraging Reflections,  Personal Goals,  Time Management,  Work Related Goals

Are uncrystallised goals crushing you?

We all make goals.  However, some can certainly be extremely difficult to achieve.  At times, even STUCK in the “mud,” is where we find ourselves. If that’s you, let me suggest that you STOP, not pause, and take stock.

  1. Am I doing everything that I need to do to reach my goal?
  2. Am I doing them efficiently?
  3. Is it working?
  4. Can and should I do more?

Actually, sit down and give things a serious review. To start, ask yourself the following 4 questions and be willing to respond honestly.

Small Goals Become Large Achievements

Sometimes, our goals are too big, giving the appearance that we are making little if any progress. So, remember to set reasonable goals. In fact, I’m a proponent of the S.M.A.R.T. goal model. Simply stated, goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

When we set unreasonable goals, we need to at least be reasonable with the results that we receive. Still, a mind-set to celebrate even the smallest progress would be helpful.  On the other hand, if larger indicators of progress and celebrations are desired, we would do well to get in the habit of setting smaller goals. As an example, instead of a goal to save 60-thousand dollars in a year for three years, consider giving it the SMART test. You may well find that segmenting your goal into smaller pieces will prove to be wise and rewarding.

Changing Goals Can Lead to their Crystallization

Understand that there is no shame in changing one’s goals; at least there shouldn’t be. Perhaps you’ve set a goal to become fit and to build muscle. However, the reality of the matter is that you are totally out of shape. That said, this is indeed the wrong goal. Instead, your goal should be to lose weight. Then, once that’s achieved, a reasonable goal to build muscle can be set.

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A Christian Life Coach, dedicated to supporting women, with a strong emphasis on our total wellness.