Health,  Wellness

A special message from Zenobia

Signs of Spring are in the air.  In spite of some huge weather swings, around the country, leaves are budding and Robins are chirping.

Another huge sign is the leap forward that most of our clocks will take this very weekend; Hawaii and Arizona excluded.  This year’s Daylight Savings Time officially begins in the US at 2 am on Sunday, March 12th.  While “Springing Forward” has never presented a particular highlight in my life, this year is different.  Different because it’s a new start for me.

Over the last two months, I’ve been missing in action, so to speak.  Two of my loved ones, my mother and an uncle, encountered major health challenges.  Thankfully, they are both doing quite well.  Nonetheless, it was and remains cause to be even more determined and intentional about my commitment to promote healthier living.

Incidentally, March is National Nutrition Month.  Read more


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A Christian Life Coach, dedicated to supporting women, with a strong emphasis on our total wellness.